Of Orchids and Persimmons

Been very busy the last week and didn’t carve out time to do any sketching. But tonight I broke out the sketchbook and my Faber Castell watercolor pencils and spent a quick 20 minutes sketching from some reference shots I had taken earlier this year.

pen and watercolor sketch of a pomegranate and persimmon.
Pomegranate and Persimmon too – sketch and study for watercolor
mixed-media sketch; orchid on a paper background in green hues.
Orchid – Study for mixed-media panel

I am planning on doing the orchid as one of the mixed-media pieces; small wood panel with hand made paper applied with a gel medium. I wlll add the flower with a strong acrylic base color and then paint in the details on top of the torn paper. This gives the work a textured, almost 3-d look.

I usually do the ground first, without really knowing what I will paint on top. Trying to get some motion and flow with how the paper is laid on the board. Then I will do sketches, like the one above, to decide what subject to place on top of the paper background.