New Year. No Excuses.

My garage studio v1

It is official, I can no longer find an excuse for not doing art. Laying down my brushes a decade ago to concentrate on family and career, I now find myself longing to create again.

I have not seriously done any art since we moved to Seattle over 20 years ago. But this year we bought a beautiful new home in Burien, Washington that has 2 single car garages; behind the main one is a perfect storage and studio space.

So i have been getting a table, my easel and all my tools set up for 30 days, focusing on the minutia of getting everything right. Trying to convince my wife to fund having a contractor finish the room of so that we can heat it and i can have everything “perfect” for creating art again.

And the final blow to my excuses was a Christmas gift from my daughter of a digital sketch pad from Rocketbook. It is too easy now.

So starting slow, with 15 minutes a day to sketch, play and experiment; no big works, or worrying about whether it is good or not, just doing art. Stay tuned and send encouragement.