Corvidae, crows and jays

Before I moved to Seattle crows, jays and magpies were not birds I really noticed. However our first place in Seattle was across from Kinnear Park in Queen Anne and turned out to be the night time roost for a ton of crows.

Every morning the crows would wake up and start calling to each other and then fly toward the water or to the city. Every afternoon they would return just at sunset in a black cloud to lite in the trees around the park.

They are smart. Live in multi-generational family units, and fascinating to watch. When we moved to the Magnolia community, a pair of crows adopted us. They showed up every morning and walked the dog with me and got dog treats as a reward for being so respectful. We called them Bert and Ernie.

Here are some of the pieces of art I have created with this group of birds as inspiration.

King of the crows

Sketching: crows, a jay and a sparrow