Summer squash and a garlic

Late Spring and early Summer is one of my favorite times of year – the light is stronger and angled and the vegetables and fruits start to show up in the markets again.

Here you can see a study I did on gessoed board of a brilliant yellow summer squash and a paper white garlic. The reference was shot on my kitchen counter ind streaming sunlight from the kitchen window. Loved the texture.

Sketch – Summer Squash and Garlic

Pairing contrasting shapes, textures and genus in my artwork has always been interesting to me.

watercolor study of a summer squash and garlic on paper
Watercolor study – Summer Squash and Garlic

I did a number of reference shots of this pair. Moving quickly before the angle of light changed, I captured about 10 different shots here is another variation in a watercolor sketch i did to capture the warm palette.

Eventually I did a small final piece (on the original sketch on Gessoed board above) using Windsor Newton water soluble oil paints. Love the warmth and texture that shows up here.

small Oil painting of yellow squash and garlic on board
20190301 Summer Squash and Garlic (oil on gessoed board)