A kick in the ass (just getting started)

Image of my working studio with reference on the magnet board

I sometimes wish I had never studied art. I try to stay motivated, to be creative, but sometimes I just can’t draw… right? It’s like my mind and eye aren’t working together and I hate everything.

sometimes I just can’t draw…

It’s not good enough. Not right. I get bored. Or don’t even care anymore. That is a big part of what led me to put down my brushes and pencils for over a decade; I stopped creating art. It stopped being fun.

So, what have I learned and what am I trying now so the same thing doesn’t happen? Various homegrown recipes for creative health and a stable mind. Read on, and try some of these-let me know if they work or not.

1). Crank it up!

nothing gets me more excited or soothes my inner soul like music. Find the right music for the moment and turn up the volume. Let the moment swallow you.

2). Daily practice (make it easy)

Painter's toolsDedicate 15 minutes a day to your art at first, then work to 30 minutes a day*. Start with low pressure things that come easy; just scratching on a drawing pad or on a tablet or doing a collage or photography… or anything. I allow myself to change it up, so it doesn’t become stale. The key for me is the ritual of just doing… (*this is my recipe as a full-time professional doing art as a hobby right now.)

3). Inspiration

Find and collect things that excite and inspire you. My studio wall is covered with printouts, color swatches, images and scrapes of tests that help me focus on what gets the juices flowing.

I am very inspired by natural things too. So i carry a camera (or my iPhone) out on walks, paddles, quiet moments etc. These are the things that end up on my personal Pinterest boards or on the wall.

Image of the corkboard in my studio covered with inspiration and creative thought starters