100 Days of Art during a time of chaos

Are you like me, you face each day with a certain amount of numbness, diffused and hazy focus? Like you, i am in the middle of our “stay at home” order and locked in the space Covid19 found me. Feeling trapped in my beautiful home that used to be a sanctuary… a respite.

My wife and i have started a flurry of DIY projects. Our garden yard looks amazing – every weed that dares to raise its head gets an execution almost immediately. Yet it wasn’t enough, isn’t enough.

So this week i started The 100 Day Project (the100dayproject.org); committing to 100 days of daily art. Hoping this will keep my mind occupied and push away the constant anxiety and claustrophobia. The 2020 project started April 7 – so i need to catch up a bit.

My project name and subject is daily “playing with light, shadow and textures to find joy in a chaotic world”.

Still life studies

Landscape studies:

Floral studies

I hope you enjoy it as much as i do, the small moments that i have where my mind is consumed with composition, contrast and texture. Keep on living ya’ll.