Wings and feathers

Every morning my garden is a scene of choreographed chaos as the birds in our Pacific Northwest area take turns flitting and exploring our back yard.

It starts with the crows and jays. They often wake us up with their raucous chatter, preening and knocking on our ceiling. This group has a frenetic pattern of follow and chase (an un-easy truce about the shared space).

Next come the Nuthatches, Wrens and Robins. there is an explosion of motion and sound as these guys attack the mossy grass looking for food and take turns bathing in our fountain. The group give deference to the larger Robins, but it is more of a community than the Crow/Jay contingent.

Mid morning the hummingbirds and bees start coming through the garden. I don’t have any pieces for this group yet – but i am fascinated by them. Little buggers don’t hold still long enough to take a decent reference shot… Maybe soon.