New Year. New studio assistant

Wow, 2020 is finally over. We have mathematically entered a new year… but does it really feel like it? In most ways, not really? Still waiting for Covid to subside and for our social and economic state to balance (just a little bit please).

There is one thing that has changed for me; i have a new distraction. Meet Oleifr (Old Norse. Pronounced like “Oliver”). He is a Poodle and Collie mix. He joined our household on Martin Luther King day, January 18, 2021.

Oleifr and me getting to know each other

The winter is always a more fallow time for my creativity; i get caught up in the holidays, family and things. And my studio isn’t heated, so its cold and the viscosity of the paint changes.

So i started doing more charcoal drawings at the end of the year, which is rewarding and fun change. But since getting my new assistant the studio has been empty.

My lonely and empty studio right now
Unfinished charcoal drawing waiting for my return

I am hoping to find something quick and easy to do everyday so i can participate in the The 100 Day Project again – starts January 31… we will see.