Author: scotbris

Paul Chikamasa Horiuchi (Japanese: 堀内 親正, April 12, 1906 – August 29, 1999)  American painter and collagist. He was born in Yamanashi, Japan, and studied art from an early age. After immigrating to the United States in his early teens, he spent many years as a railroad…
Posted on April 5, 2024
Finding my voice Part 4 of a multi part collection [ Read art 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here] Do you ever find yourself creating something and then looking at it days later and hating it? I find…
Posted on June 11, 2022
Finding my voice Part 3 of a multi part collection [ Read art 1 here, Part 2 here ] I am struggling and experimenting lately; working to create a recognizable style and approach to my work. I want to find…
Posted on December 14, 2021
Finding my voice Part 2 (read part 1 here) I am working to create a recognizable style and approach to my work, to find my “voice”. The artists that i admire, can be recognized without seeing attribution. I am hoping…
Posted on November 19, 2021
Finding My Voice Part 1 When i think of the artists that i admire, i know that i can see their work and recognize their hand in the work often without seeing attribution. The way they paint and the narrative…
Posted on November 16, 2021
One of the things that my life partner Laura and i have missed the most during Covid is travel. Getting a Covid puppy, that turned out to have motion sickness for the first 8 months didn’t help either. Jobs and…
Posted on November 6, 2021
For the first of this year i am concentrating on black and white media; mostly charcoal on paper. Participating in the 100days of Instagram again. Concentrating on small (4×4 inches) paper studies of things from nature. Nothing is as satisfying…
Posted on April 24, 2021
I love the outdoors. During this time of Covid, i have found myself locked inside more than i like. This self-imposed imprisonment has been a daily struggle against frustration, anxiety and the need for motion. I have found a salve…
Posted on March 22, 2021
As part of the The 100 Day Project challenge, i spent the last week or so doing “portraits” of some of the trees in my backyard. These are small (4×4 inch) charcoal drawings, done with General charcoal pencils; medium and…
Posted on March 2, 2021
Starting this year with the The 100 Day Project. This year i am focusing on small B&W sketches with a theme of nature. Over the last week i returned to a favorite subject of mine; corvidae (crows, ravens, magpie and…
Posted on February 16, 2021
I am again participating in The 100 Day Project. It helps as a quick start to getting my creative thinking and exploration going for the year. This year i am going to focus on a series: Miniature Portraits of Nature…
Posted on February 8, 2021
Last year i participated in The 100 Day Project. It was a quick start to getting my creative thinking and exploration going for the year. Back to try and do it again this year despite distractions like Covid19 and a…
Posted on February 1, 2021
Wow, 2020 is finally over. We have mathematically entered a new year… but does it really feel like it? In most ways, not really? Still waiting for Covid to subside and for our social and economic state to balance (just…
Posted on January 27, 2021
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