Category: Paintings

I love coffee! I once quit drinking coffee and switched to green tea; the caffeine was longer lasting and it wasn’t as acidic. But I missed the smell and taste of coffee. So I switched back. Living in the Northwest…
Posted on December 24, 2019
Years ago i was experimenting with torn paper grounds and acrylic paint on top (see Paul Horiuchi to see where the inspiration came from). We were working with our son’s elementary school on art projects and they were doing linocut…
Posted on July 30, 2019
Late Spring and early Summer is one of my favorite times of year – the light is stronger and angled and the vegetables and fruits start to show up in the markets again. Pairing contrasting shapes, textures and genus in…
Posted on April 16, 2019
Late Spring and early Summer is one of my favorite times of year – the light is stronger and angled and the vegetables and fruits start to show up in the markets again. Here you can see a study I…
Posted on April 6, 2019
When we first moved to the Northwest from the desert of Las Vegas, I had a lot of time to explore the area. My young son and I spent hours at the shore and near the wooden boat center. And…
Posted on February 16, 2019
A light and cold Sunday, so I pulled out my acrylic paints and a board and tried scratching in some color and motion to capture this image. Based on a watercolor sketch I did a number of years ago; used…
Posted on February 11, 2019
Today we had a snowstorm in Seattle. It looks to be a memorable one. There was a foot of new snow on our driveway by the time it slowed down mid-morning. I had forgotten how beautiful (and cold) new fallen…
Posted on February 10, 2019
I love the smell of the open water. Growing up on a farm in Idaho, I only had access to lakes and streams. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I actually got to see the beach and…
Posted on February 8, 2019
Found some time on Saturday to pull out an artboard that already had a paper ground on It. I had done a sketch for a piece featuring and orchid , so I painted a study for a mixed media piece.…
Posted on February 3, 2019
A number of years ago i started a series of paintings with fruits and vegetables as the subject. It started as a challenge to do a painting a day, i found i wanted to make them more finished that the…
Posted on January 18, 2019