Tag: #scotbriscoeartist

At 50 years old i decided to get my first tattoo. Though i had always wanted a tattoo, it had taken so long because 1). not every kindergarten teacher and wall street banker had a tattoo in my day, 2).…
Posted on May 4, 2020
Inspiration. Moods. Themes. Reference. Techniques. I use my Pinterest account as a scrap book for ideas, concepts, imagery, inspiration and challenge. You can find my Pinterest profile at http://Pinterest.com/scotbris…
Posted on July 15, 2019
Today we had a snowstorm in Seattle. It looks to be a memorable one. There was a foot of new snow on our driveway by the time it slowed down mid-morning. I had forgotten how beautiful (and cold) new fallen…
Posted on February 10, 2019
I started drawing and painting before social media became a thing. Having set aside my personal artwork for a season, I was inspired to start scratching on paper again by a creative series talk that Lisa Congdon made at REI.…
Posted on February 9, 2019